My Sex Life: Info for Young Poz People

My Sex Life is written primarily by and for young people living with HIV (poz young people) who represent a range of sexualities and gender identities. HIV is stigmatized and this can make sex and life more complicated. It can be hard to find trusted information that...

2013 Positive Women’s Network members’ wellness retreat procedures: honoraria fees and guidelines for retreat facilitators

These guidelines are used for setting honorarium fees for presenters, speakers, facilitators, volunteers, and PWN members participating in various PWN events and workshops. The PWN resources in Sage can be reproduced and adapted for non-commercial use with credit to...

HIV Partner Notification: A review of the evidence with recommendations to move the field forward

The objective of this review is to analyze the peer-reviewed published evidence on HIV Partner Notification (PN) with special consideration for its application to the current Canadian context. The second PDF is the Executive Summary of original document, plus Appendix...

Unmet Needs: Hepatitis C Stories

This 31-minute educational, documentary style video illustrates project findings and recommendations from consumer and provider perspectives.

Positive Side (Volume 20, Number 2)

Newsletter (April-June 2012).The PWN resources in Sage can be reproduced and adapted for non-commercial use with credit to the author. Please note that resources are being shared for archival reference and may contain information that is now out-of-date.