Harm Reduction Program brochure

This pamphlet was designed to educate service providers and future service providers on the Harm Reduction Program at the AIDS Committee of Durham Region. This pamphlet discusses our approach to working with clients, the services we offer, the supplies we offer, and...

Clinical Trials: What you need to know

Clinical Trials: What you need to know What is informed consent? What happens during a washout period? How do investigators assess their results? These are some of the questions answered in the new edition of Clinical Trials: What you need to know, published by the...

One Foot Forward: Facilitator’s Guide

Guide to assist facilitators in conducting training programs based on the GIPA Training Toolkit, which is a collection of eleven educational modules designed by and for people living with HIV/AIDS to assist them in building capacity and in acquiring leadership skills...

The Economic Cost of HIV/AIDS in Canada

This report was undertaken to provide an updated estimate of costs related to HIV/AIDS in Canada, with a particular focus on the costs of treatment and costs associated with loss of productivity for lost work hours. It is a follow-up document to the 2001 study The...