Human Rights and Drug Control Policy

Increasingly, human rights monitors, mechanisms and NGOs have begun to focus on drug policies and their impact on human rights protections, but this rarely happens in a connected or thematic way. These briefing papers are intended to provide a basic overview of some...

Libido Insurance

With Libido Insurance our goal was to produce a campaign that presented condoms from a slightly different perspective and one that would be sex positive.  Pulling from some popular insurance advertisements we went a bit cheeky, transforming them for a different...

Le vih et la santé des mères et enfants: invester pour accélérer les progrès des OMD liès à la santé

En 2000, les États membres de l’ONU ont établi six Objectifs du Millénaire pour le développement (OMD) – dont trois concernent des défis de santé mondiale – que la communauté internationale devrait atteindre au plus tard en 2015. L’échéance de...