HIV and Hepatitis C in Prisons

This is a series of 13 info sheets on HIV/AIDS and hepatitis C in prisons.HIV and hepatitis C in prisons: the factsHigh-risk behaviours in prisonsHIV and hepatitis C transmission in prisonPrevention: condomsPrevention: bleachPrevention: needle and syringe...

HIV Testing

This is a series of 12 info sheets on HIV testing in Canada.Evolution of HIV testing policy and technology in CanadaShifting HIV testing policiesConsent to HIV testingCounsellingAnonymous HIV testingConfidentialityAccess to HIV testingHIV testing and pregnancyRapid...

Drug Use and HIV/AIDS in Thailand

A series of six info sheets on legal and ethical issues related to drug use and HIV/AIDS in Thailand.HIV and HCV in Thailand: implications for national drug policyHarm reduction: lessons from the regionSterile syringe programsOpioid substitution treatmentOutreach and...

Access to Medicines and Intellectual Property: An International Expert Meeting on Canada’s Access to Medicines Regime, Global Developments, and New Strategies for Improving Access

From 19–21 April 2007, in Ottawa, Canada, the North-South Institute and the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network jointly organized an international expert meeting to discuss Canada’s Access to Medicines Regime, broader global developments related to...

A human rights analysis of the N’Djamena model legislation on AIDS and HIV-specific legislation in Benin, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Niger, Sierra Leone and Togo

This paper analyses the recent HIV-specific legislation of seven Central and West African countries from the perspective of human rights. These seven laws (the “laws under consideration”) are:the “Law on prevention, care and control of...